Hi, there! It's so good to meet you.
The Story

I grew up surrounded by gifted musicians and talented artists, master storytellers and inventive cooks. Correspondence was like a story book in neat, curling handwriting. Dinner was colorful and artfully composed. Lovely, welcoming interiors were important, and nature was appreciated. Creativity came naturally for my family and, naturally, they encouraged it in me. They picked up on my love of drawing right from the start, and have been working hard to keep me supplied in paper ever since.
The Style
Timeless, gracious, lady-like, yet comfortable- the Southern lifestyle is the inspiration for my work. I focus on traditional pieces and classic patterns with design motifs unique to the Southern states, especially my family's home states of Texas, Georgia and North Carolina. Fashion illustration is my first love, so every collection includes a few giclees of fabulous dresses.
The Process

Through it all, I am surrounded by my husband and four boys (it is never quiet here!) I may be the pencil behind our designs, but the support, prayer, and the very idea of this little business comes from them.
We dreamed of starting a family business creating original products with my artwork. Thank you for being part of our dream!
The Hope
The girls in my pictures tend to be impossibly glamorous, and I want you to know I believe that is how the Lord sees you.
Think for a minute how you feel about your own children- the most beautiful things you've ever laid eyes on.
Heaven knows how imperfect we are, but our Heavenly Father doesn't dwell on our imperfections. Its not your weaknesses he sees, but the way you leverage your strengths to overcome them. He's not disappointed by your unmet goals, but, rather, is touched by the way you've sacrificed your own dreams to advance the goals of others. He sees your tee, your baby-weight, and your uninteresting but so-very-necessary tasks as beautiful ministry. As his child, you are the most beautiful thing he has ever laid eyes on.
When you look at my pictures, I hope you feel pretty, loved and worthy. Because they are pictures of you.

wife, mama, country girl.
Running out of paper since 1974.